
Showing posts from January 4, 2011
There was a children's cartoon called Transformers. The robots are sometimes changed into trucks or other kinds of machines. Transform means change. This is the way the cartoon gets its name. I like to play crossword puzzles and other word games. I like to study words. Sometimes adding a letter or two or a few more can change the meaning of the word. Add and "s" to day (one) and we get days (many). "Son, clean your room." Something needs to happen. "I am cleaning it." Something is happening now. "I cleaned it." Finished! Transform has means change. Take the word apart like a puzzle. "Trans" is Latin Language. That is the language of the Roman soldiers that nailed Jesus to the cross. "Trans" has four meanings. "Trans" means "across." "Trans" means "beyond." "Trans" means "through." "Trans" means "full change." Form is also from ...
We are four days into the new year-2011. Some people want to stop a bad habit. Some people want to start a new good habit. These are called New Year's Resolutions, New Year's changes. Many people still follow the promises, (goals) (resolutions) to change their lives. Some people will succeed and finish their resolutions in a good way. Some people will give up and fail. What is the difference? All people who set new goals will mess up. This is because no people are perfect. The difference between people who succeed and those who fail is not power. The difference is not that very smart people can succeed and others will fail. The difference is not that some people find change in life easy and other people find change in life hard. What is the difference? The difference is simple. The difference is when we fail in our new goals, some people give up too soon. "Oh well, I tried, but now I quit. Finish. Done." or "I will not try to change anymore because...