"Trans" means "through." Form means ceremony. We must be VERY careful today. Do NOT think going to church, getting christened as a baby or baptized under the water as an adult makes you a Christian. Those are ceremonies (celebrations that happen) in a Christian church. That does NOT mean your heart has been changed. When you are truly sorry for your sin and ask God to forgive you of that sin and you invite Jesus into your heart, that is the time you become a Christian. You may be in church, at home by your bed, at lunch with a friend, or alone in the woods when God changes your heart and accepts you into His kingdom. To help us understand that think: If we brought a pig, a horse, a dog, a cat or any other animal to church, would that animal become a Christian because it went to church? NO! If we dedicated that animal to God would that animal be a Christian? NO! If we baptized that animal would that animal become a Christian? NO! In the same way, any p...
Showing posts from January 14, 2011