
Showing posts from January 13, 2011
"Trans" means "through." Form is "conduct or way we behave." Through the way we behave in our personal lives, people should know we belong to Jesus Christ. Mohandas Ghandi, the famous Hindu man from India once said, "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." Of course, that is not true of ALL Christians at ALL times in World History, but that is not the question today. The question today is for me as I write this blog. The question today is for you as you read this blog. Can people who watch your life see Jesus? Maybe people you know cannot read The Bible, but they "read" your life and behavior. Will your life cause people to want to love Jesus? Do you let Jesus transform your life each day? Ghandi also said, " If Christians would really live following the teachings of Christ, as found in The Bible, all of India would be Christian today." John the disciple of Jesu...