There was a children's cartoon called Transformers. The robots are sometimes changed into trucks or other kinds of machines. Transform means change. This is the way the cartoon gets its name.

I like to play crossword puzzles and other word games. I like to study words. Sometimes adding a letter or two or a few more can change the meaning of the word. Add and "s" to day (one) and we get days (many). "Son, clean your room." Something needs to happen. "I am cleaning it." Something is happening now. "I cleaned it." Finished!

Transform has means change. Take the word apart like a puzzle. "Trans" is Latin Language. That is the language of the Roman soldiers that nailed Jesus to the cross.

"Trans" has four meanings.

"Trans" means "across."

"Trans" means "beyond."

"Trans" means "through."

"Trans" means "full change."

Form is also from Latin language and very old English. Form has 12 meanings!

Form is "shape".

Form is "support". (Our bones are the form or support for our bodies.)

Form is the "limits". (We use wood form when we pour concrete to make sidewalk.)

Form is "conduct or way we behave."

Form ideas. (We think about things.)

Form is the papers used to cut fabric right way to make clothes. (Ladies understand this best.)

Form is the shape of a body for making clothes. (Ladies understand this best too!)

Form is our souls--who we are as people inside our hearts.

Form is beauty. (Think about statues).

Form is the way we communicate. (Do we use Sign Language, write a note, use Blackberry, use VPS?)

Form is ceremony. (Parades have form. Weddings have form.)

Form is a resting place. (Birds nest is a form--it is safe and protected.)

Starting tomorrow, we will put these word parts together to understand the verse below. God wants to help us change. and His change in us is always wonderful.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 (English Standard Version).


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