New Year's Day

Today is New Year's Day. Many people will wake up late today. Some celebrated in the streets at midnight. Some people watched firecrackers in the sky. Some people got drunk. Some people went to churches and watched the New Year come at midnight. Some people stayed home and quietly celebrated with family and friends.

There were all kinds of people and all kinds of plans for the beginning of the New Year.

Now we face a new year. Everyone had some kinds of plans. "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps." Holy Bible (NIV) Proberbs 16:9

The best plan today is the same as the best plan for the year. Make Jesus your King. He should be King of your heart. He should be King of your soul. He should be King of your thoughts. He should be King of your actions. Jesus wants to be the King of all your plans everyday.

Make a plan today to pray and ask The Lord to show you step by step the plans He has for you today. If you do this everyday, God will talk to your heart. You will understand His plans for your life. He sees everything. He knows everything.

His Name is Wisdom.

Let His plans become your plans.

Do this and you will have the most blessed New Year of your life.


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