Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 (English Standard Version).
Trans = across
Form = support, limit, shape
As we study God's word, we make it part of our lives. Our eyes go across the page. We find God on the pages. The Bible comforts us when we are sad. David wrote many of the Psalms when he was a young person, alone in the field with sheep. Sheep do not smell good at all! It was a lonely and dirty job, but it was the job David was called to do. He was alone with God across the pasture for the sheep. Later, after he was chosen to be king and anointed he waited for a very long time to be King. He knew God's future plan, but David was hiding in caves and running across the wilderness from Saul for many years. He looked to God for support. God gave support.
God can be thought about as a loving parent. Across the years of our lives, God sets limits for us. Why? Because He loves us and wants the best for us. It is just like parents say no to a child to prevent danger. When we follow His laws and we delight in Him, those limits keep us close to His protection.
As we get older and more mature, we see God's word across our lives have kept us in the right shape or condition to be used by God. How does He do this? Think of Jell-o. Women put liquid Jell-o into a bowl. The Jell-o goes in the refrigerator and when it comes out of the refrigerator, the Jell-o is shaped like the bowl! When we look at the Jell-o, we can imagine the bowl that set limits about where the Jell-o could go. The bowl molded and made the shape. In our lives, we need to be the Jell-o and let God shape us, across all parts of our lives.
Genesis 1:27 says that man was made in the image of God. That changed when Adam and Eve did the sin in the garden of Eden. The limits were broken across all earthly time. Jesus came as "God with us." Jesus said, "If you have seen me you have seen The Father." John 14. We need to obey the limits God has set up. We need to let His Spirit and His word shape our lives. When we are walking with God, people should be able to say, "See how they has let God shape their lives."
Trans = across
Form = support, limit, shape
As we study God's word, we make it part of our lives. Our eyes go across the page. We find God on the pages. The Bible comforts us when we are sad. David wrote many of the Psalms when he was a young person, alone in the field with sheep. Sheep do not smell good at all! It was a lonely and dirty job, but it was the job David was called to do. He was alone with God across the pasture for the sheep. Later, after he was chosen to be king and anointed he waited for a very long time to be King. He knew God's future plan, but David was hiding in caves and running across the wilderness from Saul for many years. He looked to God for support. God gave support.
God can be thought about as a loving parent. Across the years of our lives, God sets limits for us. Why? Because He loves us and wants the best for us. It is just like parents say no to a child to prevent danger. When we follow His laws and we delight in Him, those limits keep us close to His protection.
As we get older and more mature, we see God's word across our lives have kept us in the right shape or condition to be used by God. How does He do this? Think of Jell-o. Women put liquid Jell-o into a bowl. The Jell-o goes in the refrigerator and when it comes out of the refrigerator, the Jell-o is shaped like the bowl! When we look at the Jell-o, we can imagine the bowl that set limits about where the Jell-o could go. The bowl molded and made the shape. In our lives, we need to be the Jell-o and let God shape us, across all parts of our lives.
Genesis 1:27 says that man was made in the image of God. That changed when Adam and Eve did the sin in the garden of Eden. The limits were broken across all earthly time. Jesus came as "God with us." Jesus said, "If you have seen me you have seen The Father." John 14. We need to obey the limits God has set up. We need to let His Spirit and His word shape our lives. When we are walking with God, people should be able to say, "See how they has let God shape their lives."
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